Since 2010 was the biggest and most eventful year of my life so far, it makes sense to look back on it thoughtfully, though I haven't done so very concretely yet. It was very, very full, as every year is, with most blessed events added in.
It began happily, already in a courtship with Joel and him being there for Christmas and New Years. We saw the midnight fireworks from a friend's rooftop, and later cooked a fancy dinner together for two well-loved visiting couples.
In March my family traveled to see dear, old friends in Lebanon.

April 19th Joel took me on the SeaWings flight and we were engaged. Oh happy day!

Life began a whirlwind of wedding planning, preparation, making, organizing, deciding. I saw my dream gown unfold and we did premarital counseling with our pastor.

My family traveled to the US for August, and Joel unexpectedly was unable to travel so we were separated for 6 weeks. Lovely showers were given in Michigan and Washington, with family time, errands, and visiting.

September was far too busy and fast and simultaneously dragged on forever until the 25th. Arielle stayed for three weeks and was a joy and a help, along with Kyleigh. Family arrived and we rehearsed.

The day of our wedding, the beginning of all the rest. I couldn't say enough.

Honeymoon to (surprise!) St. Petersburg, Russia.

Hosting our first Thanksgiving in our own home :)

Joel's 22nd birthday :)

Our very first Christmas together!

We had a lovely New Year's Eve with the same couples we cooked for last January, this time in our own home and with a new addition and with one of the couples engaged. Yay! It was lovely. We experienced one of my very favorite parts about living in Dubai - standing on the beach at midnight and watching beautiful fireworks by the
Burj al Arab.
God bless you, and happy January :)
much love,