dear friends,
we have been happily married for over three weeks, and home from St. Petersburg for nearly two.
Russia (Joel told me in the taxi on the way to the airport) was beautiful, and we loved it.
We saw the Kirov do Swan Lake at their Marinsky theatre, and it was Joel's first ballet (perfectly fitting that it would be the best company and ballet in the world, and on our honeymoon :).
The food was delicious, the air cold; love blissful.
Our eight days there were marvelous, but it was thrilling to come back to our home, and life here has been peaceful and joyous. (We've declared the year our honeymoon, even though Joel is back at work)
The wedding was perfect, and we were amazed. All thanks to God who ordained it, and the myriads of loving, skillful people who ran it!
More soon; love,
Cait Kady :) :) :)