Sunday 7 December 2008


there is a great deal more on my mind than crafting, but I have been busily making tea invitations, finishing Christmas presents, and making birthday cards for friends.
it has been crazy here, and there is so much to do to prepare for the next few weeks!

How are you all?
I'm off to finish homework and some secrets in the making.

I leave you with this beautiful jazz piece sung by Sara Gazarec. Watching her sing is delightful.
love, cait


Charlotte said...

oh what a lovely picture and such a beautiful voice she has. so adorable.

oh lovely lovely.

Staceydotdot said...

Hi CAit! Nice post!
I too am frantically busy with lists upon lists and lists!
Hot choclate is definately the way to go at Christmas with a sprinkle of cinnamon! I cant wait to get all my projects out of the way and then I can truly relax and enjoy the holidays!

sammi-lise ^_^ said...

i haven't even started Christmas preparations!
oh no...i have got loads of work to do.
school has been awful
anyways, i don't really, truly celebrate Christmas as in church and all, since i am not christian, but we do put up a Christmas tree (usually on the day after thanksgiving, but we delayed this year. it is going to be put up today), Christmas lights, and at school, our little friend circle always organizes a secret Santa thing.
can't wait!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Lovely song =]

Rosie said...

I love the picture in this post, so pretty!!! Unfortunately i cannot play the song because my silly computer wont allow me too, but im sure its wonderful!!

I have not had suprise meringues, but i must, because they sound delicious!! I would like to try making them :) Thank you!


BlueRing said...

The picture is so very pretty. Oh and she does have a wonderful voice. It is soothing to listen to her, very nice.

I know this might seem out of the blue, but you have been tagged.
Hope you don't mind it and enjoy doing it.
If you've done it, then I am sorry, seems everyone has already done this tag.

Have a lovely week, or what's left of it.
